Eritrea has over 80.000 archeological sites, that’s the second most in Africa after Egypt. Today we’ll be driving to Adi Keyh, from where we’ll go to the archeological site of Kohaito (also spelled Qohaito),  about 121 km south of Asmara, where once was the ancient thriving town of Koloe, which was an important city during the Aksumite Kingdom. The site is enormous and there are large remains to be seen. The area measures 2.5 km by 15 km and only 20 percent of the ruins have been dug up. Highlights are the columns and left overs of the Temple of Mariam Wakiro, surrounded by several other temple remainders and also a tomb made out of sandstone. We’ll complete our visit by a hike to the edge of the canyon which offers fantastic views over the area. We’ll also visit several rock-art sites all within the same area. A Iago, we’ll also visit a place which is covered in rock paintings dating from around 4.000 – 5.000 BC. There are over 100 figures painted: cattle, antelopes and lions. At the sites of Ba’atti, Abager, Zebanona and others we can observe figures of warriors with spears and shields.

South of Kohaito we can find Metera (= Matara), which was a town 600 BC. It’s a huge site full of ruins and the second largest site after Adulis. One of the most important features is the enigmatic stele, with pre-Christian symbols. The stele is about 2.5 m tall and faces to the east. Several golden objects have been found in Metera which have all been moved as well as household items and other tools. As only a small part of Metera has been excavated, there are still many things to be discovered.

We’ll try to cover as much as possible today and as you’ve already understood this will be a full day tour. Bring plenty of water and snacks with you and we’ll have lunch somewhere in the area at noon. As the site is at 2.700 m above sea level, it is advised to bring a sweater. We also ask you to wear proper walking shoes as we’ll walk quite a bit today.

– Transport to the sites and back
– A professional local guide who speaks English
– Access to the archeological sites

Not included:
– Meals
– Drinks 

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