Keren (Cheren) is the second largest city in Eritrea after Asmara. It is located around 91 kilometers north of the capital and is situated 1.390 meters above sea-level, surrounded by mountains. It is home to the Bilen, Tigre and Tigrinya people. Once an important commercial hub it suffered a lot of damage during World War II and the Eritrean-Ethiopian war. There are many points of interest in the city such as the Tigu Fort built in the 19th century by the Egyptians, the St Maryam chapel located in a baobab, the old Italian and British army cemeteries, the old mosque, the old train station and much more.

We’ll cover as much of the city as possible so you’ll see the most important places and get a good feel of what this city is all about We’ll have a look at the market as well and on Mondays there is a live stock market with sheep, cows, camels, donkeys and chickens being sold. At noon we’ll make sure you’ll have a good local meal as well.

– Private transport
– Local professional guide: English or Italian speaking
– Full day guided tour

Doesn’t include:
– Meals
– Drinks 

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